But I often cheat and used ImageJ to manipulate images.
import urllib months = [str(100+i)[1:] for i in range(1, 13)] days = [str(100+i)[1:] for i in range(1, 32)] hours = [str(100+i)[1:] for i in range(24)] minutes = ["00", "30"] url_start = "http://www.jma.go.jp/en/gms/imgs/" url_middle = "/infrared/0/" url_end = "-00.png" quadrant = "4" # NW = 1, SW = 2, NE = 3, SE = 4 # goodies at http://www.jma.go.jp/en/gms/ year = "2015" month = months[7] # 8th month = August for day in days[8:2:-1]: for hour in hours: for minute in minutes: time_stamp = year + month + day + hour + minute url = url_start + quadrant + url_middle + time_stamp +url_end filename = "infrared_Q" + quadrant + "_" + time_stamp +".png" urllib.urlretrieve(url, filename) print url print filename